
Member of the Throat-Singing Society

Бямбаагийн Болормаа

(ビャンバーギーン ボロルマー / BYAMBAAGIIN Bolormaa)

 大学2年の時(1994年秋)に、モンゴル民族芸能アンサンブル 「ターリン・ドゥーラル」の通訳として1度来日し、1カ月以上に 及ぶその全国ツアーを成功に導いた。 (因みに、嵯峨は札幌公演の打ち上げに紛れ込み、憧れのホーミー奏者 ガンボルト氏と会見。この時通訳を引き受けてくれたのがボロルマー さんで、これ以来、彼女は本会の通訳の任に就いてくれている。) 将来は日本への留学を希望しており、今年7月、大学見学のために夏休 みを利用して来日。2ヶ月札幌に滞在した。
Last autumn (1994) has she visited Japan as an interpreter of Mongolian Folk Ensemble "Taalin Doolar" when she was a sophomore. She brought a great success to the performance tour that lasted more than one month going all over Japan. (I joined a party after the performance in Sapporo then. I could talk and throat-sing with Mr Ganbold with her translation. Since then she has been one of the most important members of our society.) She is willing to study in Japnese university in future. This is why she had visited Japan and stayed in Sapporo for two months in this summer.

写真 / Pictures

Here we present some pictures of Miss Bolormaa. These pictures were taken on her last day in Japan in this summer.

Why don't you join us? Let's THROAT-SING !

Saga J Haruhiko saga@phys.hokudai.ac.jp