What is the "THROAT-SINGING" ?
1. What exaxtly is "Throat-Singing"??
There are thousands of playing styles in ethnic music around the
world. Throat-singing is one of the most striking technique among them.
This is very important musical tradition in central region of Asia
(around Mts Altai --- Mts Sayan).
Throat-singing produces two different sounds similtaneously.
One part is a vocal sound like a 'bass pedal' made by throat.
The other part is a very pure sound, usually for melody, produced by
a specific component of the vocal sound selected by changing the shape
of the oral cavity. That is, throat-singing enables one person to play
polyphonic music without any instruments.
Please try to listen to a sample played
by a member of the Throat-Singing Society.
Koukin Journal No.7